- Cluster, ZAMEK Culture Centre, Poznań, Poland [SOLO]
- Begehungen Art Festival: PLANSCH, International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts, Chemnitz, Germany
- Goosebumps, Malta Festival: Water is you, OLIMPIA pool, Poznań, Poland
- Helicopter on fire, BWA Drewniana, Świdnik, Poland
- Polish Tropical Pavilion, Supermarket 2019, Stockholm, Sweden / Próżnia, Szczecin, Poland / Wykwit, Wrocław, Poland
- Warsaw Art Book Fair, Ostrøv, Warsaw, Poland
- 16 Survival Art Review: Capital, Wallenburg-Pachalnych Palace, Wrocław, Poland
- Valletta International Visual Arts Festival: Found ǎ mentalism, Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta, Malta
- Manors & palaces, ZAMEK Culture Centre, Poznań, Poland [SOLO]
- Haunts, Duża Scena, Collegium Martineum, Poznań, Poland
- The Next Day II, Assembly Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- Ostrale Biennale: re_form, International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts, Dresden, Germany
- No Budget Show: Drop-Fall-Loss, Owińska, Poland
- Girlhood, Scena Robocza, Poznań, Poland / Lokal 30, Warsaw, Poland Photography services, Oficyna, Poznań, Poland [SOLO]
- The Next Day, Assembly Gallery, Poznań, Poland Mediations Biennale: Fundamental, Poznań, Poland
- Ostrale: error X, International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts, Dresden, Germany
- Very Old Pictures, Duży Pokój, Warsaw, Poland [SOLO]
- Temporary Autonomous Zone, MONA Inner Spaces, Poznań, Poland
- Who mentions art buys a round, Nowe Miejsce, Warsaw, Poland
- National Festival of Young Painting Promotions 2015, Municipal Gallery, Legnica, Poland
- Multi Art Festival, Kalisz Regional Museum, Kalisz, Poland
- New Picture / New View, Aula Gallery, BWA Gorzów Wlkp., Poznań, Poland
- Maria Dokowicz Competition – The Best Diplomas in Art, Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznań, Poland
- Review of Young Art: Fresh Blood, Socato Gallery, Wrocław, Poland
- Hestia Artistic Journey, Dom Towarowy Bracia Jabłkowscy, Warsaw, Poland